WCGC COMPETITION TEAM, EVENTS AND SHOOTS WCGC Shotgun Range Events: SPORTING CLAYS is a more varied shotgun sport designed to simulate hunting. Each participant shoots up to 10 shells at various style targets from a position known as a "STATION". The targets are thrown at various speeds and angles away from, over and in front of the shooter. Numbered stations are set-up in various natural terrain areas to comprise a "SPORTING CLAYS COURSE". The event is normally 100 targets. But, one can optionally shoot 50 targets in lieu of the full event. The object is to break as many targets as possible. SPORTING CLAYS is normally a full day event in order to accommodate as many shooters as possible at a comfortable pace. WCGC Sporting Clays Competition is usually on the 1st Saturday of every other month. See the events calendar for days when SPORTING CLAYS is scheduled. 5-STAND combines the difficulty and varied targets of SPORTING CLAYS with the compact field layout of trap. 25 targets comprise a "round." 5 targets are attempted at each of 5 stations called "stands." WCGC 5-Stand is usually on the 3rd Sunday on the month. See the events calendar for days when 5-Stand Trap is scheduled. TRAP LEAGUE is usually held two times a year. One mini Trap League in the Spring and a full Summer Trap League in the summer. Trap League is open to all, Members, Non-members, Youth, Rookie & Lady Shooters Welcome! 50 rounds (25 - 16 yards/25 - handicap). Lewis Class scoring. Prizes awarded to top shooters. See Events Calendar for dates and times. WCGC Rifle/Pistol Range Events: 3-GUN PRACTICE MATCH are held on the first Sunday of each month. Competitors use three different firearms -- a modern sporting rifle (MSR), that is, a rifle built on an AR-platform; a pistol; and a shotgun. Matches generally involve courses where the shooter must move through different stages and engage targets in a variety of different positions. Each stage will generally require the use of different firearms and require the shooter to transition between them. Open to members and to the public, check Events Calendar for exact dates. SMALL BORE DEWAR RIFLE MATCH Consists of a total of 40 rounds for record, from the Prone position, unlimited sighters, 20 rounds at 50 yards, and 20 at 100 yards, using standard NRA paper targets. Time limit is 25 minutes at each stage. You can use any 22 rifle with any sight to compete. Currently not being offered. If interested is running this event, please contact Range Manager. HIGH POWER RIFLE NATIONAL MATCH COURSE, 200 YARDS are no longer held at WCGC. If interested is running this event, please contact Range Manager. COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING MATCHES are held once a month on the 200 yard range forward of the firing line and out to the 75 yard berm on the left hand side of the range. Targets are steel gongs and paper. The match is carried out under the guidelines of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), with no ethnic or racial connotations implied or permitted. These matches portray the spirit of the Old West through costumes and firearms of a bygone era. Currently not being offered. If interested is running this event, please contact Range Manager. MUZZLE LOADING BLACK POWDER RIFLE AND PISTOL MATCHES take place once a month on the 200 yard rifle range. Competition is from the firing line out to 100 yards and 200 yards. Targets are steel gongs, with paper targets, located between 50 and 200 yards. Safe handling of old style muzzle loading arms and period dress and costumes are promoted. Open to members and to the public, check Events Calendar for exact dates. FALLING PLATES Action Pistol Match takes place once a month on the 200 yard pistol range. Contestants compete against the clock to knock down six steel plates mounted on racks located at the 25 yard line. Competition starts 10 yards from the plates and progresses backward to distances of 15, 20 and 25 yards. We sometimes also shoot bowling pins at this match. Open to members and to the public, check Events Calendar for exact dates. |
Sponsored by Winchester Canyon Gun Club
We here at Winchester Canyon Gun Club are proud to support Youth Shooting of all kinds from around the great state of California. From USA Shooting, multiple University Shotgun Teams, the California Youth Shooting Sports Association (https://shootcyssa.com/) and the California State High School Clay Target League (http://caclaytarget.com/) we here at WCGC partner with our Match/Special Events coordinators to fund youth shooting here at the club.
Winchester Canyon Gun Club is a proud supporter of the Boy Scouts of America, Girls Scouts of America, FFA, 4-H and others, availing all of these youth organizations with sponsored gun safety instruction, knowledge and experience as well as offering our range as meeting and usage areas.
We proudly host SCTP shoots and the Winchester Canyon Gun Club is also proud to be a NRA CTC (Certified Training Center) for Trap, Skeet, Rifle and Pistol with certified instructors to assist shooters with their training needs.
Sponsored by Winchester Canyon Gun Club
The WCGC Competitive Shooting Team offers a wide range of activities in all types of shooting, from Shotgun Trap Events, Shotgun Skeet Events, Multi-Gun Events to Precision Rifle Events. WCGC is involved in over a hundred shooting events and sponsors over twelve WCGC Team Members each year.
The WCGC Competition Shooting Team consists of WCGC members who are shooting competitively in specific disciplines not only within WCGC ranges but at other ranges/venues as well. Team Members receive jerseys (and/or vests if shotgun shooters) and monetary reimbursement for match registration fees. Team Members hold free quarterly shooting clinics within their specific shooting discipline to the WCGC membership. This gives the WCGC Competition Shooting Team who are already competitively shooting incentive to continue to practice and produce results and provides those who are just starting in the competition realm some team shooters to reference when they have questions, want to attend their first events and instruction to grow in the shooting sports arena.
For more information regarding any of our events or teams, please contact the WCGC Range Manager at rangemanager@wcgc.org.
Matches are conducted by the Ranger Safety Officer using range commands for each course of fire. Coaching and special consideration are afforded new shooters to the game, by veteran competitors and the Range Safety Officer. All rifle matches are governed by the Rules and Regulations of The National Rifle Association of America, with top priority given to basic safety rules in accordance with the NRA, and Winchester Canyon Gun Club.
If you are interested in shotgun, handgun, or rifle shooting, don't hesitate. Come on out, and you will have, at your disposal, any number of veteran competitive shooters, who are eager to help, and will go to great lengths to get you on your way to becoming competitive yourself. You will be surprised how quickly you will progress, and we know you will find that competitive shooters are a great bunch, with which to shoot and socialize. And, before you know, you'll be investing in your new found sport with the likes of maybe a new match rifle, sling, mat, spotting scope, and a host of related accessories which can greatly enhance your shooting ability.
THE CLUB WILL BE CLOSED TO ALL SHOOTING ON THE EQUINOXES AND SOLSTICES. Activities such as work parties are permitted but discharging of all firearms is strictly prohibited. Hours and fees are subject to change throughout the year. Current fees are posted at the range. All events are subject to change due to weather or range conditions. See Calendar for full information.